Sunday 6 May 2012

Day 17, Sunday 29 April 2012, Reflection

From the beginning I had intended to learn as much as possible from this Academy.  I had no idea what Leadership entails and what its core definition should be for librarians.  Briefly, I have learned that Leadership involves so much more than the mere delegating of tasks - it means empathising with different personalities, embracing multicultural environments, surrounding oneself with other leaders, maximising human capital by being a role model in one's institution.....and so much more.  I have been taught about theories and technologies  which I had not known existed.  My narrow view of librarianship has indeed been challenged and I wish to practice the following on my return to UCT Law Library:

  • I want to advocate for and implement the use of mobile technologies at the law library for easy access to information - I was amazed at how far behind we are lagging with technological advancements.  I could use this project as a prototype for the rest of UCT Libraries
  • I definitely want to be more involved with LIASA.  Although I am a member, I have not participated as such and would want to present at conferences in my endeavour to contribute towards the profession
  • I would try to consciously practice leadership
  • Continue my readings on leadership
  • Introduce new forms of communication between the library and its patrons and even amongst colleagues by using wiki’s and blogs.

A time well spent at the Academy's daily classes.  Thank you!

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