Wednesday 25 April 2012

Day 12, Tuesday 24 April 2012

Deon Rossouw
The session by Prof Deon Rossouw was very engaging and self-interrogating.  It made me understand what ethical leadership is and that one should not allow unethical practices to continue but rather to raise the issues in the workplace.  The risk associated with this is, of course, that one's own position could be at risk.  He advised that one should find an alliance with someone senior who understands and empathises.  Ethics is the key factor which cultivates a successful organisation.  Always represent your institution with dignity - practicing ethics leads to good governance in an organisation.
Bettie de Kock

Kosie Eloff illustrating a LCD screen
The session on online gaming was very interesting. It was delivered by Bettie de Kock ( UP Library's Department of Library Services).  She is one of the first South African academic librarians to use online gaming as a way of teaching information literacy to first year students.  I am able to identify with the importance of online assistance to students as I am the coordinator of the CALI ( Computer Assisted Library Information ) tutorials at the law library, UCT.  However, I do think that the "astronaut" game was a bit too slow for my liking. Usually online games proceed at a much faster pace.  I appreciate the effort, though.
Kosie Eloff is an expert at e-readers, and media tablets.  I am yet to familiarise myself with all these technological gadgets. We were shown Amazon kindles, media tablets, Apple iPads, Blackberry Playbooks etc.which are used to convey information.
Reading an Amazon Kindle

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