Wednesday 18 April 2012

Day 6, Wednesday 18 April 2012

Johan Greeff spent the day with us engaging the class in group activities.  The objective was to teach us how to implement strategies and how to plan well when trying to formulate a solution to a problem.  

Even before the class commenced each group was asked to go the other room and peak through a "holy cloth".  The cloth which had tiny holes, covered a table that had different objects underneath it.  I peeped through a very tiny hole and saw a paper clip, scissors and notepad.  Others thought they saw a lighthouse, torch etc, all of which were nowhere near the truth.  The exercise taught us that people perceive and interpret things differently from each other.  One should not have tunnel vision when addressing a problem at work, but rather try to view it holistically.  This is an important aspect of good leadership. We soon realized that a strategy should have been discussed before we stepped up to the table such as who should look through which hole so that there would not have been a duplication of activities and much confusion would have been avoided. 

Johan taught us that only the individual can make a difference and bring about change.  If you want to be a good leader and go from good to great, you have to take responsibility, make tough decisions and put on "strategic spectacles".  Team work is only effective if a strategic plan is used. Understanding the concept of strategic objectives of a company and how to implement the vision and mission depends on the engagement of the PENST analysis:
P- Political environment
E- Economical
N- Natural environment
S- Social demographics
T- Technological

This was essentially a group activity and my group had to outline the challenges and possible impact of social demographics on libraries.  This was interesting and taught us how to avoid or mitigate unnecessary risks and how to minimise challenges.   

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