Tuesday 17 April 2012

Day 3, Sunday 15 April 2012

The most vibrant presenter is without a doubt, Professor Ann De Boer.  She introduced us to the HBDI Personal and Group Profiling tool. 
Vivacious and energetic, she taught us that the brain is a phenomenal tool which provides us with our individual personalities and character traits.  The Hermann Whole Brain Model says that the four quadrants of the brain control the different ways in which people think, behave and interact.  Once again, I have made some startling discoveries about myself especially after being given my profile.  I have been diagnosed as a "green" individual and being the strong personality that I am and rigid in my ways, I was amazed to learn that I do indeed have a few traits that are prevalent in other personalities.  Using unique teaching styles, Ann taught us how to recognize different personalities and the importance of relating to these differences in the real world.  Read more on this phenomenal topic here.   Group activities involving the four colours of our character traits, namely green, blue, red and yellow kept us very occupied, interested and interactive.  We were asked to identify our strong characteristic and our weakest one by using colour cards.  For example, I tend to be "organised" and this trait, being on a green card, would be added it to the green square.  I had much fun participating in this game and it made me reflect on my skills and abilities.
Group activity for the HBDI (Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument)
The four colours of the HBDI represents different personalities

 Ann, above, a remarkable lady indeed.

The most inspirational and motivating moment of the day for me was the graduation ceremony of the 5th Carnegie Leadership Academy students.  A special graduation lunch was held in their honour where we were seated opposite each graduate allowing us to interact and take some valuable advice.  Alumni spoke about the value of this programme and how it benefited their careers.  Supervisors as well as lecturers who had taught them attended this momentous occasion.  We continued with our session with Ann until dinner time.
Prof Theo Bothma (UP) and Prof Peter Underwood (UCT)

Graduates having refreshments and interacting with us

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