Tuesday 17 April 2012

Day 2, Saturday 14 April 2012

Today’s sessions were very interesting – I learned about blogs, wiki’s and mobile technologies.  I simply had no idea that cell phones have so many useful attributes which can be used to facilitate knowledge access.  I will definitely advocate for this method of communication between our librarians and library patrons. It is indeed incumbent on all librarians to empower themselves with the knowledge to make smartphones the new gateway to information!  Janice de Wee is an Information Specialist at UP Libraries and she taught us about Web 2.0 technologies. Antoinette Lourens's session on blogs and wiki's provided me with further insight into the world of information technology. I thoroughly enjoyed creating my blog and I am looking forward to populating and completing it as an individual assignment.  We had disappointments with intermittent access to the internet, though.  This was discouraging as it deterred our progress with our wiki's and blogs.  Overall, I have learned that these tools as well as social networking sites are the new means of communication between libraries and patrons.

Professor Theo Bothma gave us all a wake-up call when he introduced us to our three assignments. I intend working exceptionally hard at all of the tasks we are given – it is the only way that I can really make this experience rewarding and enriching. I have to submit a blog as a first assignment, a wiki as a group activity for assignment two and an individual third assignment in the form of a research report.  I have decided to introduce mobile technologies as my innovative research project at the Law Library, UCT.  That will definitely prove to be a very interesting challenge!  Groups are also tasked to present their assignments using PowerPoint slides on the last day of the programme.

Ujala Satgoor taught us how to recognize our strengths and areas of development (weaknesses) by means of the Campbell Leadership Descriptor Tool.  It is basically as assessment tool for leadership and concentrates on universal leadership traits which could be implemented in any given situation.  It is based on the principle of self improvement and we were given an exercise where we had to rate ourselves against individuals whom we consider to be good leaders and bad leaders.  The outcome of this practical exercise was quite astonishing.  Although the programme is only two days old, I am already starting to learn so much about myself and others. 

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